I travel a lot in subways with bad network connection. Also O2 has bad coverage in Germany.
When using the browser and following a link on the web page, it seems that the browser is first doing some network IO, maybe DNS resolution, or connecting with HTTP, before it updates the UI that it's trying to open a link.
In bad network coverage this confuses me as a user a lot. In way too many cases I have no idea if browser detected my link clicking or if network is just slow. I do many useless back button presses etc when I don't what the browser is actually trying to do.
Please check in the browser the user is informed first when following a link, and network and other IO happens after that.
Maybe related, but after pressing the back button, I have no idea which page it is actually trying to go back to. With several pages in history and bad network coverage this confuses me easily. Or maybe I'm a dumb user...